
23 Experts Reveal Best Tools For Keyword Research

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If you’re committed to building a successful website you have to focus in finding profitable keywords. Keyword research is an often underestimated part of SEO, PPC, and Content Marketing. 

The most profitable keywords are high traffic and low competition. Find the best keywords with high monthly searches and low competition will give you a fair chance to rank for the keyword.

Increase your traffic, customers, and gain more leads. Having so many options of tools out there you might not know where to start. 

In this post,  23 experts reveal best tools for keyword research


Best tools for keyword research


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Lets take a look at the experts top 3 keyword research tools. Here is the list not listed in any particular order. 


#1 Kulwant Nagi  (   experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

1.) LongTailPro: The best weapon in my keyword research arsenal. I am using this tool since 2012. This tool helped you to find untapped money making keywords in just few clicks.
2.) SEMRush: This is my second choice after Long Tail Pro. I mostly use this tool to understand more about my competitors, understand their ranking keywords and then do more research about them to find if I can work on them or not.
3.)  aHrefs: This tool is insane. Not only you can do keyword research on this tool, but you can find top ranking keywords of your competitors, find best content in the industry with their content tool and do a lot more exciting things in the SEO space.



#2 Randy Selzer (RandySelzer.comexperts-reveal-best-keyword-research-tools

I really only use two tools:

1.) the Google Adwords Keyword Planner …. it’s actually a pretty good source of info, although it has its limitations…. great for basic keyword research

2.) a paid program called Niche Genetics, , this is a great enhanced keyword tool, and provides data on long tail keywords that goes way beyond the google adwords planner..

For a third simple technique, and it’s more a strategy than a tool….I often get search query ideas from the suggestions provided by Google at the bottom of the SERPs i.e. “searches related to”… you can get great ideas for similar semantic searches from this simple technique, and then match your content to the suggested search. Once you have a related keyword idea from their suggestions, you can then check search volumes etc. using the first two tools…..



#3 Gaurav Kumar (     experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

I am Gaurav Kumar, founder of professional blogger, internet marketer and motivational speaker.

When it comes to write a blog for the purpose of promoting a business or product or service or even if you want to create awareness about any social cause, Keywords always plays an important role to grab you more readers from search engines. Keywords are the words that a user use or enter into a search engine to find the desired result. Now the question is how you can find the keywords that user actually entered into the search engine like Google.

Don`t worry here are the tools that are gonna help you:

1.) Google Analytics: No matter how many new SEO tools are available these days, nothing can beat the importance of Google Analytics. It is really easy to search for a keyword or long tail keywords on Google Analytics. You just need to enter the term or keyword, select country that you wnat to target and look for the results.

Google Analytics show you the results with volume of search, competition and estimated bid price for that keyword. So you can easily find here long tail keyword with low competition and high search to write blog posts.

2.) SEMRush: SEMRush Company was established in 2008. Within just 6 years this tool has attracted every single internet marketer because of its awesome features. SEMRush not only allows you to research for high ranking keywords with low competition but it also helps you to research on which keywords your competitors are ranking and you can analyze where you can beat your competitors. You will love to use their organic feature.

3.) Linkbird:  is a hybrid tool which also helps you to research keywords and also helps you in link building, rank tracking and backlink analysis. It also helps you in content planning and content marketing.



#4 Robin Khokhar (   experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

The three tools which I often use for keyword research are:
1.) Google Keyword planner: This is the best tool that I have used so far. It’s a great tool to research keywords directly from Google search engine. I also get many of my long tail keywords that has helped me attain a large portion of my traffic.
2.) I have used this tool to get  many variations of keywords. Actually, this tool grabs its data from, Wikipedia,, amazon, yahoo and Bing.  The tool suggests keywords with variations which are searched on different platforms.
3.) Google Webmaster Tools: This tool was recommended by my friend and it has been a great tool to target keywords in which I am raking on Google SERPs but I have not made those keywords the main keyword. It helps me take those particular keywords and optimize my post by adding them to the content and meta description. By making these changes I have been able to drive more traffic to my blog.
There are many keyword research tools but these are my favorite tools.
#5 Freddit Chat (EcomHacker.comexperts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

1.) SEMRush: A great piece of kit for competitive analysis. Find out exactly what your competitors are ranking for and optimise your site to beat them. The tool is also great for finding keywords you didn’t realise you rank for.

2.) Google Keyword Planner: The original tool will always have its place. Providing the most recent and accurate (you hope) data that Google has. Also great for finding additional keywords by putting in competitors landing pages.

3.) Keyword Eye: Their question finder is simply awesome. Put in any keyword you want and it will find commonly searched keywords with that keyword in. A great way to find the searches potential customers are making, as well as what answers you need to provide for your products.


#6 Evgeniy Garkaviy (HopeSpringWater)

1.) Google Keyword Planner: Is completely free and very easy in use. Using this tool you can find the trends, season queries and even see how competitive the keywords are. Probably the biggest disadvantage – not always accurate data but if you combine different keyword planner tools then it can work.

2.) SpyFu: This tool is not free but even if you are not subscribed user, you can get pretty much free data. The biggest advantage of this tool is that it allows you to analyse competitors. It can get data for organic and paid traffic. Very useful to analyse your competitor’s ads and keywords. People are not spending money on not profitable keywords, so you can just steal their keywords using SpyFu.

3.) SEMrush:  This tool is a little more expensive for most SEOs but it definitely worth its money. They offer very clear and useful data. It can show the keywords that others sites in your niche are ranking for.

SEMrush can show you how difficult to rank high for the particular keywords. And also you can find the keywords you rank for but have not spotted previously.


#7  Geoff Kenyon  (Geoff Kenyon)   experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

Here’s my top 3:
1. ) SEMrush: has long been my go to for keyword research. They have competitive keyword data so you can see all the keywords that your competitors rank for and discover all the keywords that you’re ranking for as well. SEMrush also has a pretty extensive related keywords section to help you discover additional keyword ideas.
2. ) Moz Keyword ExplorerMoz’s new keyword explorer is a great new tool for building out keyword sets around topics. They pull keyword ideas from a variety of sources and show volume in a way that uniquely accounts for seasonal fluctuations in search volume. Their traditional Keyword Difficulty metric has also been revamped and included here which helps make Moz’s keyword explorer a great tool for keyword discovery and analysis.
3.)Keyword Opportunity Tool: I built out a keyword opportunity tool in Google docs where you input your keyword ideas, search volume and rankings and the tool will calculate the incremental visits that you can gain by improving your rankings. This has been really helpful for me in prioritizing SEO efforts by their estimated impact. I’m currently working to update the tool to work with more robust data from SEMrush and to focus on URLs and topics rather than individual keywords.
#8 Anil Agarwal (   experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research
I use 3 tools for keyword research.
1. )Keyword Planner: Undoubtedly this is the go-to tool if you want to find better keywords. Not only it is free but it gives you a TON of ideas for doing better keyword research.
2.) Long Tail Pro: If you want to find highly profitable “long tail keywords” to quickly increase your traffic, this is for you. I’ve been using it for a long time and it really works.
3.) SEMrush: Want to boost your search engine traffic by finding the best performing keywords of your competitors? Then, SEMrush is for you. Not only that, this is an all rounder SEO tool which helped me get 5,000+ extra visitors to my site within 30 days.
#9 Rohan Chaubey (      experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research
I use the following tool:
1.) Google keyword planner,
2.) Google Keyword planner, and
3.) Google Keyword planner.
Because I really don’t use any other tools for finding keywords that are searched by the visitors. I find it very effective and easy to use.
#10  Andrew Shotland (    experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research
We use the following amazing in-house developed keyword research tools. If anyone wants a demo, hit me up on Twitter.
1.) Co-Occr: Quickly find common co-occurrence keywords
2.) Keywordify: Automatically rewrites copy with target keywords. Built-in Fiver API
3.) BadWord: If you don’t have anything nice to say on your web page, don’t say anything at all
#11 Enstine Muki (EnstineMuki.comexperts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

One of the things I do everyday is keyword research. That has helped my blog and business remarkably. Natural traffic is quite targeted and it pays. Without proper keyword research, search engine traffic will be an unconfirmed hypothesis.

There are lots of keyword research tools but I stick to these 3 for now:

1.) Google Search Console: This is the most remarkable tool that helps me scale my business. It helps me see exactly which keywords are already generating impressions for my article. Once I have these keywords, I’d tweak my articles and get better ranking.

2.) LongTail Pro: When it comes to generating a list of longtail keywords from a seed keyword, this is the tool I use and recommend.
3.)  Google Keyword Planner: I also use Google keyword planner for keyword ideas. A perfect understanding of this tool will completely change the way you think about it.
 #12 Marko Saric (  experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

1.) BuzzSumo: To see what’s trending online in social media in general but also on specific topics that interest me. Also to check specific websites and see what content works best for them.

2.) Quora: To see what questions people are asking about topics that interest me. It’s always best to answer questions real people have in your content.

3.) Google’s Hot Trends and trending on Twitter and Facebook: To see what people are interested in right now, what they’re searching for and talking about in social media.

#13 Ryan Stewart (       experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

1.) SEM Rush: the only paid tool I use, it allows me to easily steal competitors keywords and build our own target list with a few clicks.

2.) Google search: once I have those topics / keywords from SEM Rush, I dump them into Google search to check out the competition an understand if people are creating content exactly for those keywords.
3.) Keywords everywhere Chrome plugin: this tool pulls through Google Keyword Planner data (volume and CPC) right into the SERPs, so I can do KW research from a live Google search and not have to log back into that slow tool.
#14 Chad Pollitt (  experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

I’m an old school SEO that came up last decade. Over the last six years I’ve transitioned from the day to day SEO work into content strategy and thought leadership. While my staff may have other top tools on their minds, I’m still sticking with what I know best:

1.) Google Keyword Planner: This tool’s came a long way since last decade, but still has all of the requisite information I need to make informed decisions regarding keyword targeting and competition level for phrases. I also like the fact that it suggests other similar keyword phrases, too.

2.) Google Search Console (formerly Webmaster Tools): As much as the Keyword planner has changed, the Search Console is nothing like its former self. With this tool I can get a snap shot of both on page and off page issues with my website – from page errors and Meta tags to linking domains and internal links.

3.) SEMrush: I’ve been using this tool since late last decade. In fact, I’d use the competitor data to help close deals with prospects. It allows you to discover new organic competitors, see competitors’ keywords, and observe position changes of domains.


#15 Justin Germino (  experts-reveal-best-tools-for-keyword-research

1.) My #1 keyword research tool is Google Keyword Planner, this allows me to find search results for variations of the keywords both short tail and long tail that I am targeting.

2. ) I also use Google Trends to find hot topics and combine with above to find less competitive long tailed keywords for those trends.

3.) Finally I have started using SEOBook Keyword Tools as a supplement in some cases for finding different patterns of keywords to use when I don’t like what Google Keywords suggests.

Ironically all 3 tools are now built into the WordPress SEO by Yoast WordPress plugin.  So this WordPress plugin puts all 3 of these keyword research tools at your fingertips making it even easier to jump in and get your keywords first, then start crafting your content, or simply augment and enhance your content by finding some more relevant or easier to rank for SEO terms to add to it.

#16 Matt Lovett (   best-keyword-research-tools

1.) Google Keyword Planner: Most of us have heard of the Google keyword planner, it’s accessed through Google Adwords but still very much free to use. You get a detailed insight into search volumes and competition levels, as well as information such as cost per click, helpful for PPC campaigns. This tool will also suggest different variations and synonyms of keywords that you can target in your content.

2.) SEMrush: SEMrush keyword research gives you an in-depth report with statistics such as search volume, and seasonality trends. It goes further by adding context to the data and provides you with information such as the page that is ranking for a keyword and your current ranking on Google. SEMrush is an entire SEO tool, so the keyword research is only a part of what this tool has to offer.

4.) This tool claims to be the best alternative to all other keyword research tools, I find it serves a different purpose when compared to the Google keyword planner or SEMrush. It’s excellent for long-tail keyword suggestions, it pulls the data from Google’s auto-suggestions to create a list of relevant phrases. It’s, therefore, ideal for content development, either for new pages or article topics.

#17 Mike Allen (businesswright)
My keyword research is probably less than ideal from a marketing perspective. Instead of focusing heavily on keyword analysis, I prefer to think of my actual readers. What really benefits them (as in helps, encourages, removes pain points, scratches an itch, etc. for them)? I’d rather have a few readers truly benefit from my writing than gain thousands of shares from people who never read past the title. So, with this in mind, here are three tools I use in my keyword  research — or perhaps more accurately content research — to either help me get started, focus better, and/or wrap things up:
1.) Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress: This is how I do virtually all the SEO technical analysis of my post. Very easy to use — simply enter the focal keyword and the Yoast SEO plugin performs on-page content analysis and offers suggestions. It’s wash, rinse, repeat easy!
2.) Google (and Bing) Search Suggestions: After settling on a subject I usually need a few more ideas to flesh out my article. Other times I must focus my thoughts to narrow the options down. I can sometimes do this by entering a topic keyword into the search box and going through the terms and phrases — search suggestions — that are commonly searched. This can help me write better, answer more questions, include richer descriptions, and, I feel, makes for a more robust article from an organic ranking perspective.
3.) Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer: Produced by the Advanced Marketing Institute, this free tool analyzes headlines to determine their Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. Higher scores are considered better because they suggest a deeper and more emotional connection with your readers. In addition to the EMV score, this headline analyzer assesses the level of Intellectual, Empathetic and/or Spiritual emotion evoked within the headline. This tool is available at
#18 John Paul Aguiar (   best-keyword-research-tools
1.) Google Keyword Planner “Adwords Tool”: I have used this tool for over 8 years, and it still does what I need it to do, find me keywords and their search volume quickly when writing new blog posts or creating new pages on my blogs.

2.) HitTail: Basically an analytics tool that works similar to Google Analytics, but HitTail only focuses on one thing – long-tail keywords that you should start writing new posts with.

3.) SEMRush: 3 things I use SEMRush  for, finding keyword difficulty scores, estimated traffic data for a particular keyword and finding keywords my competition is using and ranking for.


#19 Dave Davies (    best-keyword-research-tools

1.) Moz’s Keyword Explorer: The newest keyword tool to enter the race it’s fast become a favorite.  Essentially it takes Google’s Keyword Planner data and adjusts it to apply to organic traffic as opposed to AdWords.  The tool also does an analysis on the keywords and competition to provide a bit of competitive intelligence data to help guide the decision making process.  A free Moz account gives access to 10 searches/day but it could be slow going for those without a pro account.  For you there’s …

2.) Google’s Keyword Planner: Free to use with a Google AdWords account (you don’t need to spend anything … just have an account) this tool gives you the search volume data for queries or query types with a variety of filtering options from location to language and more.  As long as you remember the search volumes are for paid search and not accurate for organic (they’re far lower) you’re safe and in the end you’ll likely make the same keyword decisions – you’ll just get less traffic than you might have hoped for.

3.) Google Search Console: The Search Console is not an actual keyword tool but it can provide a lot of value as one anyways.  In the Search Console you have an opportunity to view the queries your site is ranking for even if it’s not getting clicks.  It can be helpful to review these keywords looking for situations where you rank well but just outside the traffic points such as the ever-frustrating position 11.  You’ll discover words you may not have thought to target and you’ll see where faster traffic opportunities may be.


#20 Ammar Ali (allbloggingtips.combest-keyword-research-tools

1.) Google Keyword Planner: A great tool that I use regularly to find targetted keywords with great volume.
2.) LongTailPro: This is a great tool for finding long keywords that will bring in good traffic. Apart from finding keywords I use this tool to quickly find out top 10 research results for specific keywords. Another great feature is it allows us to track our keyword position in Google.
3.) SEMRush: This is all in one SEO tool that I started using. I use it to find out keywords my competitors are getting traffic along with finding what websites are appearing in top results for the keyword.
#22 Marquel Russell (      keyword-research-tools

1.) Google Keyword Planner: This is a free tool that Google gives you to discover search results for particular keyword you can target.

2.) Amazon: Yes, Amazon! ???? Most marketers totally overlook the power of this tool as a keyword research tool, but all you have to do is go to the Best-Selling book section and see the top selling books and that will give you a lot of insight on keywords you can be targeting based on the problems those books are solving.

Then you can take the ideas you come up with to the Google keyword planner.

3.) YouTube: Simply…go to YouTube and start typing in things in your niche and you will see the most popular videos. Take the titles to Google Keyword Planner and see what ideas it gives you. Be sure to use the top ranking videos on YouTube


#23 Cornelius Camp (    best-keyword-research-tool

1.) SEMRush: I like SEMRush because it allows me to research high ranking keywords that my competitors are using. This helps me get an advantage over my competition.

2.) Google Analytics: Extremely Important! Really easy to get results with volume of search, estimated cost, and competition for that particular keyword.

3.) Google Keyword Planner: This is the tool that I have used from the beginning. It will always be at the top of my list. I get the most recent and accurate data from Google. This has really helped me get keywords to produce more traffic.
Thank you everyone who participated in my expert post round up! Your turn, which keyword research tool you’re currently using! Comment and tell me below!

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  1. It is always good to learn from expert professionals. I have learned blogging by reading expert blogs. I am a real fan of the Kulwant Negi, and Gaurav Kumar from this list. I have learned a lot from their articles and it helped me to understand how to improve and make money from blogging.

    Now I am also the follower of your blog. I believe I can learn a lot from your blogs.

  2. Zoya kazmi says:

    I have just came to know about this awesome expert roundup. I am a great fan of easkme and Gaurav kumar. His tips really helped me to learn blogging. Money making and also gain motivation.

    The tips shared by these professional bloggers are really helpful to make it understand which keyword research tools we should use. I really appreaciate your work also on

  3. Sunny Singh says:

    Thank you for sharing the tips from 23 popular experts about the keyword research. I am a great fan of the work of Gaurav Kumar. I have learned a lot from his blogs and Now I am learning from your blog also. Thank you for all the helpful tips you share here.

  4. Hi Nancy,
    First of all thanks for counting me in for the roundup post. And secondly it’s really a great source to get a good list of tools from the expert bloggers.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I just came to know about this expert roundup from the tweet of Gaurav Kumar. This is definitely a great roundup to understand the importance and use of keyword research tools. I am a great follower of work of Gaurav Kumar and It is really good to see that there are other bloggers also who are ready to help with their expert tips.

    Thank you for sharing and helping me to understand these tools better.

  6. Hi Nancy,

    Thank you for this consolidated experts review on Keyword search.
    Definitely, this will help the newbies to improve the content ranking.
    By the views of experts, it shows how much important is keyword is.

    Thank you

  7. David Waise says:

    Thanks for sharing your amazing thoughts. Its help me to know about all the best tools & how they work. Thanks for sharing.

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