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How Publishing Great Content Brings SEO Growth, New Visitors, and Sales

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For entrepreneurs, startups and all growing companies, the well-timed publication of high-quality content can be a catalyst for much greater success.

Grow your business by telling its story.

Create engaging content that people want to read. Tell your story and publish it on the platforms that get the most valuable responses from the readership you want to reach out to. You’ll make waves of appreciation, sharing, word-of-mouth and buzz. A well-crafted headline and content will generate traffic, SEO traction, positive PR, follow-up inquiries, and sales, as well as great creative input and ideas for you to run with and develop.

A case study is Freshdesk, which was a startup company for helpdesk software in 2011 when its founder, Girish Mathrubootham, wrote and published an article about the motivation behind starting his company. He shared it on Hackernews, which brought over 30,000 new visitors to the Freshdesk website and 175 people signing up in just 2 days.

My business experienced profound results from sharing my own story about Lighting Shoes, a small e-commerce retail site for light up shoes that we purchased earlier in the year. We wrote about the results we’ve achieved so far and published the story on and

Our LED shoes site gained 3,257 visitors from Reddit, and 951 from IndieHackers. From these referrals, we made 2 direct sales.

Our site got impressive SEO results on Google. LED Shoes, our main keyword, leaped to position 12 from outside of the top 50. We made top-50 rankings for 222 other keywords for the first time, according to

11 sales came directly from those SEO rankings.

How did we achieve those results? Put time, know-how and care into your content. Any old article won’t do.

Create Impressive Content

“Unless your startup idea provides 5 times more value that what’s already out there, don’t start it.” That’s some advice from a successful entrepreneur that’s stuck with me. It applies equally well to your published content. Your goals should include impressing your audience by striking a chord with them, making them think and spurring them on to greater action. All of this with your product and your business in mind, if possible.

You’re going to want to write a game-changing, business-changing, life-changing post for them. It’s highly unlikely you can just sit down and write something that powerful, so let it develop, work on it and add to it, and the closer you can get it to that ideal post, the better for your readers and your business.

Write For Your Community

To get results, whether it’s on Reddit, a news source or another community, stick to the rule: write content the community wants to read.

That’s not necessarily what you want them to read, the same way you would naturally write it. Even your own personal blog exists and is centered on the community that participates and interacts with it. On your chosen platform, what have the most successful writers and posts done right in the past? How are they inspiring the community? Read the content that generates the best feedback and positive interaction, and you’ll soon get an idea of what works, and what will be popular again for that community.

Choose, map out and refine your idea

Take the community’s preferred format, article length, tone and writing style as a guide. Revisit specific topics and posts that the readers and commenters loved, and note any ideas you can build on, and associations that spark with your own story and business.

Put your favorite note-making app or method to work. Mind Maps are great for associating and expanding thoughts and making connections with your own lessons and advice you’d like to share. What can current and topical events add to your content? Can you help any previous commenters out with specific questions and problems?

Get all the ideas down, and see what jumps out at you. Don’t rush in, think it over and come back to it if that works best for you. Try and get the content as good as it can be. Your mind is always capable of uncovering something that adds value and hasn’t been written before.

Get the headline right

You’ll want to engage readers, and grab their attention with figures, but not turn away potential customers by overdoing the hype. Don’t just tell them your product will change their life. Show them how, but maybe leave that for the main text and don’t start badly with empty promises.

Be specific and spell out the benefits of what you have to offer them. Use stats, ideally from your own experience. But anyone else’s example will do if it’s relevant, realistic and achieves the aim of convincing people to invest their time in reading your content in full.

Posting is just the start

Remember, publishing is just the launch party for a period of active collaboration with your audience. You’ll be needing to invest some time to meet the community’s expectations for a continuing dialog afterward. How much effort that will take, and in what form, depends on the community you post to.

My IndieHackers business exposé generated around 5 comments, while Reddit led to hundreds of responses. Host an Ask Me Anything on Reddit, and you should expect to be catching up and responding to new questions and feedback on the AMA every few hours.

It’s worth considering keeping some content ready for the comments and discussion that follows if it didn’t make the final edit of the original post.

Not following up on a post could be the worst response of all in the eyes of some online posters. Your good work could be undermined by trolls bashing what you’ve written, so take an active role in managing comments and leaving people with the good impression of your business that you want everybody to have.

Be ready to expand on your post, debate and discuss it, and always look for opportunities in people’s responses to it. A new customer, product, partner or even buyer may have found their way to you, thanks to your involvement in the community. Be there for your community and they will repay you. Be positive and show your appreciation for every worthwhile reply.

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  1. Era Kapoor says:

    Thanks for sharing this motivating post,

    I am currently working on blog post related to mobile Affiliate Networks , Your Suggestion would help me to acquire more leads to my blog posts.

  2. Rich says:

    Great advice here. We’ve been trying to get write more content – one article per week. Interesting that you were able to get reddit to work. I haven’t had success in that medium. but, your points are good ones and I think we need to try some new sites to expand reach.

  3. Shivam Verma says:

    Very True. I agree with you. It needs a lot of participation in order to get your mission accomplished. Customer Engagement can’t be missed. Its important. By discussing about the topic you make contributor feel special and he reciprocates in a positive manner. Content quality is another aspect one should work on. Stories are definitely sought out. Thanks for sharing this post.

  4. Emmerey Rose says:

    Great tips Melissa! I was wondering, what is your biggest tip in incorporating your personality in your writing? 🙂

  5. Avi singh says:

    veru good tips thank you for suggesting these new ideas.

  6. sahil jangid says:

    Ooohh….great post-Nancy.

    Seriously, Nancy It’s too informative and helpful information about “how to publishing a great content that brings new visitors, sales and also helps in SEO growth”. I will definitely use these all the tips for my blog contents and I will definitely sure it works well for me. So overall Nancy, good job and keep it always.

  7. Awh…. Nancy you are s sweet.. I’m in love with your writings and all I need is clearly highlighted in this post.

    Thanks for sharing this amazing post… Looking forward to more interesting posts

  8. These tips are all informative and helpful. You really write from the heart. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this one. 🙂

  9. Mary Sara says:

    Hi Nancy !
    Thanks for sharing, Great information about SEO. I interested and also I will definitely use these all the tips for my blog contents.

  10. A great content is as important as SEO.

  11. Ramit says:

    It has been a great experience reading your post.
    Writing good content is the crux for success in the blogosphere.
    It is indeed very helpful to get tips and advice on publishing great content.
    I just hope that it works for me.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. Jeremy says:

    Hey, Mellisa!!Amazing piece of information!!Getting right headline is so important because that pulls customers in and compels them to read the article…

  13. Matther says:

    Thanks for sharing this motivating post.

  14. Alee says:

    SEO is a main thing for every website because if no one see your site then no one will know that you are posting something.

  15. Sanaya Irani says:

    You are right. Great Content leads to great traffic. Content is heart of any website..Without consent website cant last long.

  16. Albert Kujur says:

    Nancy it is a mind blowing post you have written, it will help new bloggers like me.

  17. This is great because your points are all on point, and having a great content is key for new visitors to come in your blog. Thank you for sharing this one. 🙂

  18. Julia says:

    Hi Nancy,

    Thank you for your sharing!

  19. Sauter says:

    Thanks for sharing this motivating post. Amazing piece of information!!

  20. Terria says:

    I agree that content needs to be 5 times more valuable than what is already out there. A lot of what I am seeing is just more of the same.

  21. Hello,
    Great article, the most important skill that you need to develop for writing a good content is developing focused thought.Stray ideas are very hard to frame until they are collected point by point.Writing is more an aggregation of thoughts and less and art now.You must be clear what are you writing about.Thanks for the post it really defines the skill of writing in a nice way.

  22. Babit Kumar says:

    This is a superb information about SEO, specifically for beginners can enjoy and learn how to to best seo for their websited. Definitely Mind blowing article. Thanks for this

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.