Hello and WELCOME to Etsy Sellers Support Group. We’re thrilled you decided to join us and we look forward to help you build an impactful online business.
We want YOU and all our members to have a safe and wonderful experience in our group.
Rule #1 Be Kind and Courteous
We’re all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Let’s treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
Rule #2 No Hate Speech or Bullying
Make sure everyone feels safe. Bullying of any kind isn’t allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated.
Rule #3 No Spamming Allowed
This is a zero spam or selling group. Please do not post links to your own blogs, products or Facebook groups. Also, please do not post ANY articles or links.
Rule #4 Give More Than You Take To This Group
Give more than you take to this group. Self-promotion and irrelevant links aren’t allowed. NO more posting irrelevant post that don’t ask a question for help. For example, I got my first sale.
Rule #5 Respect Everyone’s Privacy
Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.
Rule #6 Don’t Block Us
Blocking a moderator or admin will get you banned.
Rule #7 Please Report Those Breaking The Rules
If you see a member breaking a rule, do not call them out in the group. If you see a member breaking a rule, do not call them out in the group. Please just report or tag an admin or moderator. We will deal with the issue ourselves.
Rule #8 Block Spammers
If you are privately messaged by somebody who offers to sell you something, block them and let us know. Unfortunately, we’ve had this in the past.
Rule #9 Affiliate Products
From time to time, Admin may post links to products we believe can help you grow your business. You may assume that some of these links are affiliate links. We only recommend products or service we have personally used, 100% believe in and would recommend to our own family and friends.
Rule #10 Ask Questions
Please ask a lot of questions and share your struggles. Etsy Sellers Support Group is an amazing community of kind, respectful, knowledgeable Etsy Sellers who are here to help and support you. Your success is important to us.
Rule #12 Don’t Sent Private Messages
If you private message other people and try to sell them something or abuse them in anyway, you will be banned and reported to Facebook, which will result in your Facebook account being shut down.
These are the rules of our group. If you can abide by these rules, then you can join our community — and we welcome you with an open heart and open arms.
Wishing you the best of success.
Kindest Regards,
Nancy Badillo
Founder & Admin of Etsy Sellers Support Group