
Email Marketing 2015: Important Things To Consider For The Year Ahead

I'm Nancy!

As an Etsy coach, I specialize in helping Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits. With my expertise in Etsy's marketplace, I guide Etsy sellers and develop a marketing strategy to increase their visibility and sales. 

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email-marketing-2015-important-things-to-consider-for-the-year-aheadDespite the many speculations in the previous year stating that email marketing is dead, it is in fact, the opposite. Contrary to what most had claimed, email marketing is actually alive and kicking.

However, as we progress on to a whole new year, it is just essential to remind ourselves that not everything remain the same all the time, and same goes for email marketing this 2015.

This means that what might have worked during the previous year might no longer cut it this year. So one of the major questions that we are to tackle about is – what should we focus our email marketing efforts on?

That question in mind, it simply makes sense to formulate new strategies to make sure that you will be raking in a lot of profit, not to mention traffic, this whole year just by email marketing alone. Here are a few tips you have to consider:


  1. Harness the potential of automated campaigns

Email marketing is in fact progressing with each passing year, and one of the most widely accepted progress is marketing automation. Nowadays, automating email campaigns is a trend, and it’s there for a good reason. If you automate the right campaign types, you could be able to see quite the results despite the low volumes. Not to mention, there has already been several successful marketers who claimed that marketing automation is actually one of the major contributor towards improving their revenues!

Now that we think about it, it all starts by picking the right campaigns to work on. The only challenge you have is to come up with an original/engaging message along with a creative design to make things work.


  1. Keep track of the analytics

Following the automation of your campaigns, we have the analytics to keep track of. You have to keep in mind that analytics actually goes beyond just the click of an email. Inside of your email marketing software, you can actually see a lot of statistics and data which you receive as soon as the emails get handed over the hundreds or thousands of your recipients. Normally, these statistics are updated real-time, and they include stats like how many users have opened, clicked, bounced, etc.

One good thing you have to do, other than to start monitoring data, is to start a regular reporting. Create a report whenever an email is sent, and list down important things such as:

  • Which ones worked
  • Which ones didn’t and need revisions
  • Which questions remain without answers

This might require you to go beyond the dashboard and list down things which aren’t on the statistics, but believe me, it can definitely help you pinpoint the flaws of your campaign and revise them even before things could get worse.

  1. Focus on quality, not quantity

Perhaps one of the most common mistakes of email marketing is focusing on quantity rather than quality. While this might bring you a lot of subscribers on your list, the real question is: how many have actually opened and clicked at your link? As you can see, list growth isn’t actually recognized as a win all of the time. You have to focus on keeping your subscribers interested with your emails that they actually click on the link you have given and get redirected into the page you are planning for them to see!


  1. Make full use of segmentation

By means of splitting your subscribers into different groups, it will be possible for you to send more targeted messages. In fact, sending out customized messages has a higher chance of yielding higher conversion rates than just sticking to the traditional batch-and-blast method. You need to think about how well you value your customers and fans accordingly. You have to identify your segments then decide which type of content you are going to send to each group.

However, you have to know that segmentation isn’t always the answer. If you think that there is no added value to a specific segmentation, then it’d be best not to segment it instead. You might feel like you’re going against the rules, but a segmented message isn’t actually better per definition. Instead, a good tip would be to segment your results. You can do so by sending the same email, but find out which groups have higher response rates as well as which parts of your message.


  1. Focus on providing relevant messages

If there is one strategy about email marketing that never grows old, then it would be providing relevant messages. As what I have observed, relevance is losing most of its meaning these days due to lots of inexperienced individuals in the field who tend to overuse the term. Frankly speaking, keeping your relevance to everyone all the time is impossible. So what’s the idea? Well, how about we figure out how we can change that broad term into something much more manageable?

You can do so by making emails be something of value to the recipients by finding out what they need then building it up from there. You could either build the value to be much greater, or address more parts of your list. That way, you can assure that those links you have included will get clicked on.

The year 2015 for email marketing welcomes an era of not just strategy alone, but rather with automation and segmentation that will determine success. Which of the above do you think will be of much help for you?

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  1. Nilan says:

    Hi Nancy.

    Great post again. Recent researches have found that email marketing provides more successful leads than other sources.

    It provide great ROI if someone do it right.

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