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Interview With Rohan Chaubey

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In today’s interview we are going to be talking with Rohan Chaubey from Rohan is a Student pursuing computer Engineering. He is an enthusiast blogger, presentation designer, and loves writing quotes.interview-with-rohan-chaubey

He runs a blog which can help you understand new technologies, programming languages, social media, and personal development. He writes and considers it his mission to spread light of knowledge and optimism.

1. Please tell us about yourself and how you got into blogging?
Here is my short introduction: 
I am Rohan Chaubey from Mumbai, India. Besides being a blogger, I am an enthusiast presentation designer too. I love writing about Programming, Social media, Blogging, Designing, Technology and Self development. I have a multi-niche blog – Learning With TeamSR. 
I first started blogging in Dec 2014. I used to write some programming tutorials only and then later I started taking up other niches too. I was randomly surfing the web and I landed on my friend Swadhin’s blog where I found an article written on Aha!NOW ABC community. 
After reading that post, I instantly joined the ABC community and started taking blogging seriously. This summer I am planning to give my blog a professional look and feel. 
After writing a guest post for AmfasTech and Aha!NOW I started getting lots of guest post requests and that’s when I got a little recognition in the blogosphere. Its a long way to go! And blogging is a learning process. Each day brings new challenges and opportunities. This is what keeps me interested in blogging. 🙂 
2. Walk me through step-by-step process that you went through to get to where you are today? 

 As I mentioned before, first I used to write some programming tutorials and later my blog turned into a multi-niche blog. Guest posts gave me a lot of recognition. I still get so many requests that I have to turned down 75% of them because of my time constraints. Its very hard for me to say No, but I am learning.

I remember, the very first blog post I wrote was on Tengaged[dot]com. Its a Big Brother gaming site and if I say I got inspired to blog after writing blogs on a gaming site some might feel I am joking but that’s true. I got lots of attention due to my blogs on that site and thats what inspired me to go beyond Tengaged and expand my reach.

Later, I designed a few presentations for some tech sites just took some credits and nothing else. I am still far away from being a money blogger.

3. How would someone describe your blogging style?  

I fit into two blogging styles:

  1. Insight blogging – I share my thoughts and ideas, which later contradicts the popular opinion of the general public.
  2. Guest blogging – I have been constantly appearing on my friends blogs as a guest author. I am more appreciated for my guest posts than my own blog.

4. A lot of people are interested in blogging for some money earning potential. What are some tips for people interested in making money from blogging? 

These days a lot of bloggers are seen entering into blogging just by getting tempted by its money making potential. But I don’t think they would last long in the race if they fail to provide value.

I am definitely not the right person to give tips on money making from blogging as I am not a money blogger. But there are tons of ways to earn from blogging, a few of them are – selling Ad spaces, Affiliates, freelance writing, Ghost writing, selling services in which you are expert in for example designing, coding, Widgets and plug-in development, and tons of other ways.

I too have helped people but for absolutely free and I have not even asked for a credit link in return. To be honest, I lack entrepreneurship qualities Lol…

5. Name some of the bloggers whom you look up to and why? 

I follow and look up to those bloggers who have helped me in some or the other way. Sadly I am not a fan of those bloggers who are earning too BIG and are appearing and receiving media coverage.

Harleena ma’am, Vinay sir, Sasidhar, Swadhin, Ashu, Mi Muba sir, Donna ma’am, Sid, Niks, Ajay, Gowthama, Rahul, Umpathy, Arpit, Nirmala, Ikechi, Yatin, Apoorv, Arun, Naveen, Mahadev, Carol ma’am and my entire Aha!NOW family. And Nancy ma’am you too are a great writer/Blogger. I recently started following your blog and your writing style is quite interesting.

6. What tips can you recommend that you’d only share with a close friend about blogging? 

 Following are the tips I would share with my friend:

  1. Focus on quality and providing value; Don’t follow money, let money follow you.
  2. Be nice and kind; at the same time be outspoken and speak up. Be real.
  3. Lastly, Be Rohanlicious… Real, Optimistic, Honest, Admirable, Nice, leader, Inspirational, Creative, Insightful, Opportunistic, Unique and Selfless.

7. How are you currently monetizing your blog traffic?  

I am not a money blogger. And I am not currently monetizing my blog in anyway. But I will think of it in the near future.

8. Can you give us three recommended tools/services that you use with your blogging? 

  1. JustRetweet[dot]com for twitter shares.
  2. Canva for designing outstanding featured image.
  3. Recently I started using Google Analytics and Webmaster tool as one my friend Sasidhar recommended it to analyze my blog traffic.

9. What is next for you? What can we expect in 2015?  

My blog will soon get a complete makeover this summer and I am planning something BIG but it would be better if I don’t reveal much.


10. How can readers of my blog get in touch with you? 

They can catch my tweets on Twitter. I am too active there. If you use hash tag #Rohanlicious so you might get many re-tweets and favorites too. 😉

To get updates about my latest post follow me on Google+. Connect with me on LinkedIn. And like my facebook Page to get to know more about me and I actively reply to the messages on FB.

Thank you so much for this wonderful interview. All the best to you and your readers. Lets rise by lifting each other. Being #Rohanlicious.



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  1. Wow Another! You ought to be the unstoppable Rohan going really great and thanks for mentioning me! Well interviews are great mash up for getting the best possible information about the person as the questions are direct while answer provided are accordingly. Since you are learning and doing a lot good thing, you will have this benefit in future for sure.

    Some new things are explored with some repeated question while some new questions arouse!

  2. Naveen kumar says:

    Hi Rohan and Nancy mam,
    First of all I would like say thanks to Nancy mam for inviting Rohan to your blog and asking such a great questions.
    Now I would like to say thanks to you Rohan for this kind mention. It was a great honour for us.
    Thanks a lot to share these tools here. Actually I was not aware about Canvas, but now I will try it.

    Have a unstoppable future 🙂


  3. Hi Nancy Ma’am,
    Thank you so much for bringing Rohan here. He is an amazing blogger and networker. I got to know about this from Rohan himself. Awesome job you had done.
    Hi Rohan,
    Wow, two in a row! You are absolutely rocking my bro. I know how hard you worked to achieve this celebrity seat. 😉 . I liked the way you answered all the questions. I will try to be Rohanilicious buddy.
    Thank you so much for your valuable and insightful advices.

  4. Nirmala says:

    Good to see you here Rohan, its nice to read your precise answers 🙂

    Great that you’re helping other for free and yes, I’m seeing your guest post everywhere.

    Your 3 tips for your friend are just awesome. I always like to connect with passionate bloggers and thus I’m here.

    Cheers that you’re gonna work something new for this summer, hearty congratz for it 🙂

    Thanks for the kind mention, means a lot 🙂

  5. Arun says:

    I’m the first to take the interview but seeing your guest post everywhere now.

    Once again, thanks for the insightful replies.

    Be #Rohanlicious 🙂

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