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Kind Things To Do For Others Random Acts Of Kindness

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50 Random Acts Of Kindness

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It’s the season for giving, and while we all know it can be difficult to find a moment of kindness in our hectic lives with work deadlines pressing down on us from every angle, I believe that random acts of kindness are worth taking some time out for.

Sometimes the smallest gestures can go a long way. One smile, or touch of appreciation for someone’s work could be all they need to perk up and feel better about life again!


Here are 50 way random acts of kindness, ranging from the small things that can make a big impact all the way up to doing something for someone you don’t know.

  1. Smile and say hello to everyone you cross paths with. I do this with my friends, family members- people who are important in real life or just strangers on the street! It’s always great when someone does it back too so be sure not only to give them a smile but return their greeting as well
  2. The best way to show someone that you care about them and want the very same things in life is by treating other people with respect. You don’t have to be friends or even know one another well- just act like it!
  3. You can make a difference in people’s lives by serving at least 15 hours with the homeless. Serving others is one way you could use your skills and experience for good! Become an advocate, work as a volunteer coordinator or event planner; find your calling so that every day feels like Christmas when it comes time to serve those less fortunate than ourselves.
  4. Donating blood is a great way to give back and help others. The process of donating can be very simple, fast-paced or even playful depending on what you want your experience with this charity event in general!
  5. Collect any trash that you may come across on your walk with the bag, and then take it home for disposal.
  6. Let someone go in front of you.
  7. There’s no better way to show appreciation than leaving a letter of encouragement in someone’s car. Leave these notes and see how much it turns them around!
  8. One of the best ways to give back and make an impact is by participating in a fundraiser.
  9. Thank a teacher for an unexpected gift! Thank a great educator for showering them in the things they love best. This is sure to make their day and show how much you appreciate all that your favorite teachers do for us every year at school assemblies, conferences, or professional development sessions
  10. Send flowers to show your appreciation for someone.
  11. What are you waiting for? If it’s someone that means a lot to your life, then why not call them up and see how they’re doing.
  12. Walk your neighbors’ dog. It is always great when we can give back and make someone else’s day a little better. One way you could do this would be by taking care of their pets while they are away! Not only will it make them happy, but also ensure that no animals get left behind in the event there was an emergency situation at home or work.
  13. Forgive someone for a mistake they have made. It is human nature to make mistakes, but forgiving can help you move on from the past and focus your energy in an upward direction where it belongs—on improving yourself!
  14. Rake your neighbor’s leaves.
  15. When you do a favor for someone, it’s important to think of the reward as an investment. You have the power and privilege of being able to provide assistance or kindness without expecting anything from your recipient in return! It doesn’t matter if they’re a friend or family member because everyone deserves our time when we can afford it- no strings attached.
  16. Wash someone’s car.
  17. You are never too far gone to be helped. If you’re struggling, encourage others who will listen by sharing your story with them and giving advice when they need it most!
  18. We all know that the best way to learn is by doing, but did you also realize how much more effective it can be for kids? Start mentoring a younger child and watch their confidence grow with every accomplishment.
  19. Help someone in need.
  20. Carry someone’s groceries.
  21. Show your kindness by paying for someone’s dry cleaning as a way of thanking them.
  22. Mow the lawn for your neighbors.
  23. Pay for someone’s bus/cab fare.
  24. Pay the toll for the person behind you.
  25. Run an errand for a family member who is busy.
  26. Leave a box of goodies in your mailbox for your mail carrier.
  27. Pay it Backward: buy coffee for the person behind you in line.
  28. Send a care package to a friend.
  29. Hug someone today.
  30. Prepare a meal for someone.
  31. Get someone to go on a spontaneous adventure with you.
  32. Treat someone to the movies.
  33. Prepare breakfast in bed for your family.
  34. Keep the elevator door open for someone rushing to take a ride.
  35. Tip generously.
  36. When someone speaks, listen intently. You may find they are saying something you never knew before!
  37. Make people feel appreciated by letting them know.
  38. Bring muffins and coffees to work one morning.
  39. Leave extra change in a vending machine.
  40. Give a generous tip to those working in the service industry.
  41. Donate your old clothes.
  42. Show up on time.
  43. Buy canned goods for a local food bank.
  44. Offer to babysit for a new parent.
  45. Leave positive messages in your children’s lunch bags.
  46. Start your day by praising people you see.
  47. Surprise someone who can’t afford Christmas presents with gifts.
  48. Invite a new coworker to lunch.
  49. Donate toys to a children’s hospital.
  50. Believe in someone who doesn’t believe in themselves.

What recent random acts of kindness have you taken part in? 

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.