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10 Mistakes Bloggers Are Still Making

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Running a blog is hard work. Ideally we all want to run successful blogs where we provide quality content, gain tons of traffic, and build your brand. 10-mistakes-bloggers-are-still-making

Many bloggers make a lot of common mistakes that cause them not to be able to take their blog to the next level. Today, I will be covering 10 mistakes bloggers are still making. 

Mistake #1 Not Identifying Their Audience

When beginning any website, an important first step is to identify your target audience. The more you understand your audience, the more effectively you can create appealing content idea, make formats decision, and achieve terrific communication goals.

Keeping your audience in mind while you write, will help you provide quality post that your audience will love. 

Mistake #2 Not Choosing The Right Niche

The biggest mistake most bloggers make when they start out is choosing the wrong niche. Usually problems occur because a niche is too broad or too narrow. Defining your niche is a challenge for most bloggers. Always keep in mind choosing the right niche can make the difference between success and failure. 

Mistake #3  Lack Of Commitment

Majority of blogs fail due to the lack of commitment. Your main intention for blogging in the beginning  should not be to earn money from your blog. Ideally in the beginning you want to focus on brand awareness, establish a regular consistency of publishing post, and provide quality content.

A new blog main focus is to provide the best possible experience to your readership whether you earn money or not. The quickest way to loose momentum and lack of commitment is to write about something your not passionate about. 

Mistake #4 Quantity Over Quality

What’s more important quantity or quality? In the beginning stages of my blog, I was only focusing on quantity. I would publish about 2-5 post per week but my articles did not provide any value to my readership.

I soon realize quality over quantity is the way to go. Ideally you want to keep in mind that the end goal is to deliver high quality content that your readers will love and want to share. 

Mistake #5 Poor Writing Skills

Poor writing skills create poor first impression and can negatively impact your readership. Bad grammar can also damage a blog credibility.  Did you know that poor grammar and spelling mistakes also have an impact on your SEO and rankings?

There are many tools you can use to check your grammar. I personally use

Mistake #6 Writing Boring Headlines

The title is where your focus should be. A catchy headline is why some blog post become popular and others fade out. Learning how to write a catchy headline can be the difference between getting more clicks. 

Mistake #7 Not Connecting With Your Audience

Why is connecting to your audience important? Because with out your audience your blog will fail. By knowing your intended audience, you will know the best way to connect them with your writing. 

Mistake #8 Not Promoting Your Blog Post

You spend hours researching, writing, finding graphics, and uploading your blog posts but your work isn’t done yet. It’s not longer enough to just write and publish a blog post. Ideally you want to promote every post to reach its full potential.

Mistake #9 Not Responding To Comments

When someone is willing to invest their time to respond to your content make sure to have proper etiquette and respond. Ideally responding to positive and negative comments demonstrate that feedback is important to you be it good or bad. 

Mistake #10 Too Much Spam

When you send unsolicited sales messages to someone via a social media messaging system is consider spam. There is nothing wrong with adding sales pitch to your social media site when it’s done tasteful.

If you are constantly spamming your pages and others eventually it will turn off others and they will unfollow you. 

[box type=”note”]Hope you have enjoy 10 mistakes bloggers are still making. Make sure to join my newsletter to receive free online marketing tips and tricks. Leave a comment below with any common mistakes you have over came or continue to see others do.[/box] 


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  1. Atish Ranjan says:

    Hi Nancy,

    These mistakes are being done by many bloggers and they should stop doing so to be successful. Understanding the audience the very important task which needs to be done at the very beginning.

  2. Abdullah says:

    Thanks for this information. Because I was making these mistakes without knowing.
    Online Promoting your content is very important, If you want to survive in Online Market.

  3. Nancy,

    These mistakes are spot on. Could not agree with you more. Another mistake I like to add most bloggers make is not connecting with other authority bloggers, and building relationships with them. Why is this important? Say you are a new blogger that gets 500 visitors/readers per month and you build a relationship with an authority blogger who has over 100,000 visitors/readers a month. If that authority blogger happens to recommend you and/or a product you are trying to sell you gain instant credibility and an opportunity to bring awareness to your brand quicker than you can snap your fingers. Whereas it can take months or years to do that on your own.

    Thank you.


  4. Yasin Rishad says:

    Hi Nancy,

    This mistakes maximum blogger doing regularly. I also agree with you for their mistakes on wrong niche, less quality content, poor writing and boring headline.

    Your tips are helpful to recover from blogging mistakes.

    Kind Regards
    Yasin Rishad

  5. Alize Camp says:

    These are big mistakes that most bloggers met and still met it daily. I think if a blogger want to make their site to be more popular, they need to avoid these mistakes.

  6. Spot on! This list hits the spot!

  7. These great tips will definitely be shared with my Blogging101 audience tomorrow.

  8. Sinziana says:

    Hello Nancy! Discovered your website via Twitter. YOU have verry useful informations here…I will come back FOR sure????!

  9. Jenn c says:

    i agree that the blogging job is not complete at publish. I find promotion, promotion is a full time job.

    One question:
    How much does it cost a month to have yiur post retweeted as often as I see them on Twitter?

    Two thank you’s:
    The Hoth referral, I acted on that and got the tip from your article on back links

    Thanks for the Twitter follow and the comment luv

  10. Vandna says:

    Thanks for sharing such a informative post.
    Glad to stumble upon this site.

  11. Naz Morales says:

    Hi Nancy,

    I recently started following you on Twitter and let me just say that I love all your posts. There are very helpful and inspiring. Thank you Keep up the good work!

  12. Gaurav Kumar says:

    This is quite helpful for those who are already doing blogging and even for those who are planning to start their career in blogging. Blogging is not just a hobby , it is passion which shows the difference between a professional and a hobby blogger.

    I like your skills of writing and soon I am going to start an interview series club for bloggers where blogger from around the world can interview each other.

    Thank you for sharing these tips.

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.