I’m so super excited to featured Etsy Shop Metal Stamped Memories. I’ve to admit their story brought tears to my eyes and its an inspiring story that you must read. Enjoy!
1. Please tell us what you make and how you got into selling on Etsy? I am a stay at home mom of three beautiful boys and a little girl. I was inspired to create memorial & mother’s jewelry because of them, so I began to create jewelry and sell on Etsy. My second son, Carter, was born “normal” in 2008 with no complications during the pregnancy.

At five weeks old we noticed a twitch in his eye and a little shake in his arm. We took him in and after two weeks he was diagnosed with a one in a million condition called Ohtahara Syndrome. This meant that Carter was having seizures, and a brainwave test showed a very rare pattern of high activity and then no activity, causing his brain to not carry out the signals it needed to for his body.
This was devastating news as children with Ohtahara rarely live past age 2, medicines do not control seizures for long, and in Carter’s case the signals were not being sent out for him to breathe on his own. Carter was immediately put on a ventilator. We knew that we did not want Carter to suffer with seizures for the rest of his short life, nor was being on a ventilator any way to live. We made the most difficult decision to let him go to heaven.
Metal Stamped Memories was created out of love for my children. I know how important it is to have something tangible to hang onto after you are left with empty arms. I also know there are many moms who would like to wear a piece of jewelry with all of their children included on it. I hope that anyone who purchases a piece of jewelry from me will feel the love that went into it. My jewelry is created to help you on your healing journey and I know that you will wear it to keep the memories close to your heart.
2. A lot of people are interested in starting a business on Etsy for some money earning potential. What are some tips for people interested in making money from Etsy? Anyone that is interested in making money on Etsy should choose to sell products that you really love yourself. If you love a product, that love is going to show through whatever you sell, and people will notice that and hopefully buy it too!
3. What have you had to overcome to make Etsy successful? Did you have to learn any new skills, hire help, etc.? I began selling on Etsy nine years ago. Etsy has changed so much since then! I have recently begun looking into seo tips including updating my titles, tags, and keywords and learning more about how to drive traffic to my shop- with Nancy’s help!
4. Can you give us three recommended tools/services that you use for Etsy? I recommend using Erank and seobook.com for keyword research. I definitely recommend watching Nancy’s youtube videos if you don’t even know where to begin. She will help you get started if you feel overwhelmed!
5. What is your favorite thing about your business? My favorite thing about my business is the reason behind it. I am able to help others through my jewelry and bring them a little comfort after loss. I have gotten to know so many other moms who’ve lost children and connect with them. Without my business, that never would have happened. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to do that.
6. How are you currently driving traffic to your Etsy Shop? I am currently working on driving traffic to my shop through Pinterest. I am trying to add pins everyday and have recently been researching about hashtags on Pinterest. I also use instagram and facebook.
7. What is your favorite social media platform to promote your products/services and why? I have had a business facebook page for 10 years. I know that business on facebook has changed dramatically over the years, but I still enjoy using it for posting not only my new jewelry, but also favorite quotes.
8. What is next for you? What can we expect in 2020? I have many ideas for new pieces of jewelry- I just have to find the time to add them! I will be adding more listings throughout the rest of the year and also working on updating older listings with new pictures, titles and tags.
9. How can readers of my blog get in touch with you?
- Website: www.metalstampedmemories.com
- Etsy shop: www.etsy.com/shop/metalstampedmemories
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/metalstampedmemories
- Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/metalstampedmem
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/metalstampedmemories
Thank you for what you do. I lost a brother 49 years ago at the age of 5. My parents didn’t have things like this around in 1970. It makes me sad for what those that have gone through losing a child but also happy that you could keep Carter’s memory alive with helping others this way. I remember as a child we never talked about Little Jerry, my brother. Now and for many years we talk about him, take flowers to his grave twice a year and wonder what he would be like at the age of 54 if he were still here with us.
Nancy, thank you for this Q&A and the helpful information for other Etsy sellers. I have had my cry for the day. Now I am going to work on SEOs.
Oh, Nancy! Thank you so much for featured this shop!! Before I finished reading the first question I had tears rolling on my face and feeling the love and compassion in my heart!! I lost my oldest son three years ago and I struggle with his absence every single day. Dear Metal Stamped Memories you are absolutely right, we do need something to holding on, your jewelry is beautiful and speaks to my heart and I’m certain to the heart of many mothers out there. Thank you so much for spread love to so many, you make the world a better place!! Lots of love and hugs to you!!
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for sharing how it touched your heart. I really appreciate your comment and taking the time to gives us feedback. I’m sorry about your loss as a Mother I can’t imagine how hard it is. Thank you for sharing with us your story!