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Etsy Shop Featured – LoveFourAllxo

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Hi Guys! I am super excited to feature Etsy Shop LoveFourAllxo. The shop owner is Courtney Cohoon and you can read her amazing and inspiring story below! Don’t forget to leave a comment and share this amazing story.



1. Please tell us what you make and how you got into selling on Etsy?

Hi! My name is Courtney and I am the Proud ETSY shop owner of LoveFourAllxo. Our story is long…. I hope I can articulate it to its best! I am a mom of Four amazing daughters. I had my first daughter at 20. My dream was always to be a labor and delivery nurse. I went to medical assisting school while I was pregnant so I can get into the medical field. I got my first job at Kaiser when my daughter was 4 weeks old. I only lasted 2 weeks. There was no way I was going to miss out on raising my baby! I was also a waitress so I went back to waitressing in the evenings so my hubby could be home with our baby and she didn’t have to go to day care. We were always a crafty family. I would do various crafts to make extra cash. I would address wedding invitations, make wreaths, infant headbands, you name it I tried it! I started an Italian charm bracelet business (Sassy B’s all 4 of my girls names staetcwith the letter B)  when they were trendy. I would do home parties and try to sell wherever I could. Fast forward I went back to school to pursue my nursing dream. I applied 8 years to our local community colleges RN program and never got in… they did it by a lottery system. During those 8 years I continued to waitress and do various crafty gigs to make extra money. I started making cheer bows as my girls were cheerleaders and the bows were so expensive. Everyone loved their bows, so I created a little biz… Bow Madness and more. It was so successful. I would sell bows at their games and cheer competitions and then on FB when that became popular. Unfortunately my mom passed away during that time. I fell into a rough depression which compromised my creativity, motivation and business. Fast forward again I finally got into a nursing program. I wasn’t able to work outside the home while in school so I started making cheer bows again for extra cash. The trends had changed since the last time I made bows. People were adding vinyl to the bows. So I bought a vinyl cutting machine. The bows then led to matching shirts…. and before you know it I was back in business! LoveFourAllxo was Born! A classmate of mine was selling on ETSY so I decided to open an ETSY shop as well! I got my first sale shortly after opening and it has been nothing but Anazing since! I spent hours and hours building my ETSY shop. I had no clue what I was doing. I would stay up all hours of the night trying to figure it all out. My husband was working out of the state during the week, I had my four girls to raise all while going through nursing school. I was determined to get this ETSY shop up and running. The sales started coming and the money was a bonus! I did put my shop on vacation (which is a great feature) while I was taking finals, graduating, and taking my NCLEX. I was so eager to get back to it. It is so fun and rewarding all at the same time! Fast forward again I am currently on disability from my nursing job and so thankful I have my ETSY shop as a back up! It has provided so much “extra” for our family. The shop is in our garage and it has definitely become a “family affair” I LOVE the quality time I get with my girls, hubby or whoever is helping me out in the shop! I LOVE the connections I have made through my ETSY shop with people all over the world! I LOVE my girls watching me hustle! I LOVE that my special needs niece helps and LOVES to figure out the state abbreviations on the packing slips. I LOVE all the opportunities my ETSY shop has provided for us! I LOVE it all and that is why we are LoveFourAllxo.

2. A lot of people are interested in starting a business on Etsy for some money earning potential. What are some tips for people interested in making money from Etsy?

I am so thankful for my little ETSY shop! It has exceeded my expectations by far! I started it while in nursing school to make a little extra money and I am now running my ETSY shop full time. If anyone would have told me I could make $14,000 in one month on ETSY I would have never believed them!  That was my sales in February.  My tips for people interested in making money from ETSY would be to Pray! And have your friends and family Pray for you and your business! And believe in yourself! And to be thankful for every single order! We always say “thank you Lord” after every order! And to hustle…. hustle hard! Know that what you put in is what you will get back! Research Study And Gain as much knowledge about how ETSY works. The resources are unlimited! Patience… definitely need patience! Know your target audience and prospective clients. Customer service is huge! I try and run my business with the same values as Nordstrom… they have amazing customer service. They are very accommodating to their customers! The opportunity is truly there. If you work it it will work. And the Cha-Chingy you hear with every order is so so FUN!!!


3. What have you had to overcome to make Etsy successful? Did you have to learn any new skills, hire help, etc.?

Oh my gosh! First off I had to learn how to use my Silhouette machine! Hours and hours on you tube! Then I had to figure out how to maneuver my way through ETSY. I’ve had to become very tech savvy. Lots of self teaching. I’ve helped quite a few friends get started on ETSY now. In February, I was so busy I had to hire my neighbor to help! I’m seriously asking people to pinch me as I’m in disbelief that I have this amazing successful ETSY shop.

4. What is your favorite thing about your business?

There are so many favorite things about my business! I think my ultimate favorite thing is I don’t have to put a bra on to go to work! My garage is my shop! Next would be the xo that I put on every shirt. It’s for my mom who passed away. She used to sign all her letters with an xo. Her name was Joyce. I LOVE that a little bit of JOYce goes out with every order! Also my business cards! My moms last message to me (along with an xo) said Forgive Forget Learn and Move on LOVE will conquer all. I have her quote on the back of my business card! I LOVE that everyone gets to read her special words! And I LOVE the Cha-Chingy! We all LOVE it! We get so excited

5. How are you currently driving traffic to your Etsy Shop?  

Keeping our shop updated and adding new inventory frequently. Word of Mouth, FB IG Giveaways on Instagram Pinterest Pop Up Shops Work Kids Schools and honestly sharing the business with everyone I come in contact with!  (I’m sure you can tell I’m very chatty) hence my email chattycoco .

6. What is your favorite social media platform to promote your products/services and why?

We promote on FB IG and Pinterest we have the most success with IG. It’s slow growing but we are having fun along the way creating relationships and potential customers.

7. What is next for you? What can we expect in 2020?  

Hoping to grow and add different products to our current shop and open another ETSY shop that focuses on Bridal trends only…. LoveFourBridalxo. ???? We would also LOVE to start selling our SVG files and mockups so we can travel and continue to make money through ETSY without having to produce a tangible item. ETSY is such an amazing platform we want to utilize it to its fullest!

8. How can readers of my blog get in touch with you?   FB: LoveFourAllxo IG @lovefourallxo        email:                Text: 9253823840

Thank you, Courteney for sharing your amazing story!

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  1. Teresa Grant says:

    Such and inspiration. Prayers and hard work. The secret to success.

  2. Adaliz says:

    You are such an inspiration, I am a mom of 4… homeless living in a hotel room. I had to pawn my laptop as soon as I get my laptop out I want to open an Etsy Shop….you have inspired me……Thank you and God Bless…With God All is Possible…

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.