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Free Etsy Shop Critique

I'm Nancy!

As an Etsy coach, I specialize in helping Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits. With my expertise in Etsy's marketplace, I guide Etsy sellers and develop a marketing strategy to increase their visibility and sales. 

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Hi! Welcome to my FREE Etsy Shop Critique page. I’m excited to share with you all of my strategies and best practices that helped me make so far 60K in passive income selling digital goods on Etsy.

Who am I?

I am a digital marketing specialist for women entrepreneurs. I’ve been in the digital space now for 9 years. I live in Chicago with my husband Cornelius, my son Jordyn, and our two fur babies Bella and Remi. I am a foodie, travel maven, love to run, and quote slayer!

Enough about me, let me explain what exactly I do!

I help brands grow their online presence using best practices. I’ve built my career empowering brands to leverage the power of digital marketing to grow their business and get real results.  Digital marketing is an important component for all online businesses and it’s not going anywhere. So therefore if you want to build a thriving Etsy business you must learn all about SEO, branding your shop, content marketing, social media, and many other things that are vital to the success of your shop.

By visiting my site today, you have shown that you are interested in getting a FREE Etsy Shop Critique.

How it works?

I enjoy giving advice and helping other people succeed in their Etsy journey. It’s sad to say only a handful of the 100’s people I’ve given critiques have made necessary changes to their shops. Please keep in mind that I will be sharing all of my strategies, tactics, and best practices of digital marketing. However, it’s up to you to follow my advice and make the changes.

Please subscribe below with your name and email. I will email you with all the information I need to start your FREE Etsy Shop Critique.  I will be doing a video critique where I record my screen and go over all of my suggestions step-by-step. The video will be uploaded on my YouTube channel and you will be able to review it there.

My end goal is to help you optimize your Etsy Shop to the fullest extent so you can increase impressions, engagement, and the overall goal, increase your SALES. These best practices include SEO on-page and off-page optimization, branding, writing a great listing description, building credibility with your buyers, taking amazing pictures, resources you can use to your showcase your products, and much more.

DISCLAIMER: Please note I am not affiliated with Etsy. I don’t guarantee any promises of an increase in sales. I am simply sharing my experience as an Etsy Seller and digital marketing specialist. If I see your shop and think I cannot at all lend a hand, I will let you know. 

Sharing is caring!

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  1. Hi Nancy,

    I would love for you to critique my Etsy page: Let me know what you think!

  2. Basha says:

    I would welcome a critique. I’ve been on Etsy for about a year now, I opened my digital download store and never had a single sale. At first I was doing everything, checking the keywords with those types of resources you mentioned on other post, I bought a mock up so that the pictures could be nicer than when I took them, sharing anyway I could. I was determined to make it work, but nothing ever came from it so after several months of trying and needing to focus on school I got burnt out. Now I’m interested in giving it another go before I have to go back to school. I’m trying to branch out into adding candles into my shop. So please don’t mind the one candle in the shop with the bad photos or the lack of mention of it in my site description. I haven’t adjusted anything for it yet and it was only just added. Before that it was all just prints that didn’t (don’t) sale.

  3. please critique my store, I’m really trying hard.

  4. Tammy Wasnea says:

    Hello, My name is Tammy, I founded Creation721 in January 2018. Am 54 years old and not very computer savvy. I like south of Chicago in Kankakee. I started an Esty store a few months ago. I have only generate 3 sales and 32 views. Am looking for someone to help me basically from the ground up. I am willing to pay you for your time. I need someone to mentor me from the ground up. I do not know much about social media and all the fancy ways to promote my shop. Please contact me At 815-325-6317 or email at
    Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  5. Hi Nancy!
    Could you please critique my Etsy Shop?! I’d appreciate it so much! I really would love to up my Etsy Sales, the traffic, etc! Thank you so much!!! I’ve really been appreciating your videos! I just found them last week! So helpful!
    Thank you!!
    Kathy Ramsden
    Kathy’s Krochet Nook (Etsy & FB)

  6. Amanda says:

    I’d love a critique of my shop…not really sure what I’m doing wrong.

  7. I would love a shop critique. I am unsure of where I’m going wrong. Please help.

    • Hi Victoria,

      I will be more than happy to give a review. Please follow-up with the email you will receive from me. It’s taking a bit longer due to large response but I will get to it asap. Thanks!

  8. Hi Nancy,

    Please take a look at my Etsy shop and let me know what I can do to improve it.

  9. Hi Nancy,
    I would appreciate any help you can give me. Many of my products are for specific group people.

  10. Inna says:

    Hi Nancy!
    Thank you for such a possibility to have a shop critic! Here are my shops
    If possible, please have a look at both.
    My e mail is
    Have a great day!

  11. Luna Coronil says:

    Hi Nancy. I came across your name in a Facebook Etsy Help Group. Would it be possible for me to get information on how to get an Etsy critique? Many thanks

  12. Swapna P says:

    I would love to get a shop critique. It will be so great and would really appreciate it.

  13. Iro says:

    Hi Nancy, I would love a shop critique. I think I’m wrong with everything so, I’d like some help to push-up my shop and I intend to pay of course.

  14. Beth DeWilde says:

    Thank you so much, Nancy, for this opportunity. I would love to hear your review of my new shop.

  15. Victoria says:

    That’s awesome !
    I would love a shop critique too ????

  16. Mooni says:

    Hi Nancy from Paris, i will be happy if you could give me your opinion about my shop 🙂

    Thank you very much 🙂

  17. Ajay Walia says:

    very nice article…

  18. val says:

    Please critique my shop Babscravescoffee. I am beyond frustrated with very few views and sales are below 5 and I have been open for 1 year.


  19. Tia Martin says:

    I’d love a shop critique!
    Recently my store has seen a big decline in views and sales, and any advice would be great. My shop is

    Thank you!

  20. Kate says:


    If you can, please make a critique for my Etsy shop. I am working so hard… But still have almost no result, just a few sales. I think that my jewelry is beautiful and quality of my work also is great, I am practicing beading more then 7 years. Now I am trying to work on my jewelry a whole time. So all day long I am spending making it and working on my Etsy shop. But results are so poor…

    What I am doing wrong?! How can I achieve better results? You are my last chance, beacause I am already going to quit… Please, help me! My jewelry is everything to me, but I understand that I have to pay my bills…
    I need your help soooo much…

    Thanks for your time!
    Have a nice day,

  21. Hi Nancy,
    I would appreciate any help you’re willing to give!
    Jackie @

  22. Claudia says:

    Hi Nancy,

    Could you please critique my Etsy Shop?! It will be so great and would really appreciate it.

    Have a nice day,


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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.