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How I Increase My Click Through Rate With Twitter By 197 Percent

I'm Nancy!

As an Etsy coach, I specialize in helping Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits. With my expertise in Etsy's marketplace, I guide Etsy sellers and develop a marketing strategy to increase their visibility and sales. 

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Twitter is my favorite way today to stay relevant and connected. Twitter makes it easy to reach out to people and send out information within seconds. Using Twitter correctly will help you drive traffic and achieve incredible results. Not many people are aware of how to use Twitter to their advantage and the power it has to drive their business to its optimum state.

In this post, I will reveal my Twitter tricks and tips to increase my click-through rate from 18 to 3410 clicks per month in a short period of 6 months.  My click through rate increased by 197.8 % which is very impressive. I have attached my screenshots from Google Analytics from Aug 2014- Feb 2015.  Let’s dive into how to increase twitter followers.

Google Analytics Traffic:


Clicks Per Month: Aug 19, Sept 47, Oct 222, Nov 744, Dec 1783, Jan 3,241, Feb 3,410

 Case Study For Increasing Your Twitters Followers

When I first started my case study my Twitter Account had under 10k followers. I was averaging 18 clicks per month. The click through rate was extremely low and barely generating traffic to my blog. Since Twitter gives you a threshold of 2,000 people you can follow, I was always finding myself limited in following new users.

I started researching how to increase my Twitter followers and found out that a majority of people in Twitter buy followers. Anyone with a few bucks can buy followers and instantly add on thousands of followers. Buying followers has become standard practice.

The followers will serve to help boost your Twitter profile with minimum efforts and allows you to follow more people. The purpose of buying followers is because Twitter lets you follow 2,000 users at a time, when you have reach this threshold you will need to wait until you have more following you in order to follow more.

Versus when you buy followers you can instantly start following users right away with out the need to wait. So, where did I get my followers might be your next question? I bought my followers at FiverrYou can easily purchase 2,000 followers for as low as $5 dollars. Not a bad cost for the amount of followers your getting. 

Following Target Audience

Once you’ve bought followers, the next step is following the right people on Twitter. Start by following your target audience on Twitter.

  • An effective way to find relevant people is by using Twitter’s search functionality

For example, let’s say you have a product or service for Gardeners. Start by doing a search with #gardeners on Twitter. You could then start following these individuals that are relevant to your business.


Other Strategies To Finding Your Target Market On Twitter:

  • Find active users and influencers relevant to your business.
  • Follow users in the same geographic region. 
  • Find groups relevant to your business. 

Tweet Adder Automation

Lastly I used a software automation named, Tweet Adder. The vast benefits of using Tweet Adder are an automated system that helps you get quality Twitter followers. The facility to leave Tweet Adder on and loop messages all day long while I am working on other projects is the best part for me.  I also have the automated software send a “thank you” message every time I gain a new follower.

Tweet Adder Main Features:

  • Easy Installation & Setup
  • Fully Customizable Options
  • White List- Ensure these profiles are never unfollowed
  • Black List- Never follow these profiles
  • Full user info- Date last tweet, pic, and demographics
  • Follow back users who have followed you
  • Search by language filters
  • Weed out users with default profile pictures
  • Ignores users with URLs in their profile bio
  • Set search filters for # of followers/following
  • Free Trial 

If you lather, rinse, and repeat this formula you will be able to increase your Twitters followers in no time and have more traffic redirected to your products or services. This formula is not for everyone to use, and I am not encouraging that buying followers is the only way to gain momentum in your Twitter Account.

This is simply my own Twitter Case Study of how I was able to increase my click-through rate by 197.8 % in just short time of 6 months. I hope you enjoyed this blog post which was all about how to increase twitter followers.

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  1. Nisha Pandey says:

    Hi Nancy,

    This is my first visit to your blog and I am impressed with your writings. You post very helpful articles for your readers.

    This is wonderful trick to increase twitter followers. I would must try this method.

    Thanks a lot for the wonderful idea. Have a nice day!

  2. Mahadev says:

    Hi Nancy,

    This was an awesome, short but sweet article, When I started my blog I thought twitter is much needed social network for bloggers to do marketing effectively and I think I was Right 🙂 because twitter helped me to get more regular blog visitors.

    This article surely gonna help me to reach out my twitter followers in short span of time as well as increase the click through rate on twitter.

    BTW, your blog is very nice, this is my first time on your blog and you have got one more loyal reader for your blog.

    Thanks a lot for sharing such a informative article with us, looking forward for more……….!


  3. David Kovacs says:

    Hi Nancy,

    Great post. I like the technique using Fiverr to get more followers in order to be able to follow more people.

  4. John Tseriwa says:

    Thanks Nancy very informative articles

  5. Kimberly says:

    Hi Nancy,
    Thanks so much for this post, it’s very helpful. I’ve already run into the capping problem you’ve mentioned. You’re the first person who has given a really good reason for purchasing twitter followers, which I appreciate. I’ve heard a lot of people talk against it, but it seems a great strategy to overcome the capping issue. Couple of questions:

    1. You mention that Tweet Adder ignores users with URLs in the profile. Yikes! I didn’t know a URL in the profile is a problem. Why is that something that should be ignored (forgive my ignorance!).

    2. Do you know how many followers you need to have before Twitter lifts the cap? And does it re-cap to a higher number or is it lifted altogether?

    Thanks so much in advance for sharing your thoughts!

    • Hi Kimberly,

      Your very welcome. I was trying to be as honest with the process of gaining Twitter followers. Tweet Adder has a setting where you can ignore users with URL’s in their profile. It’s a setting that can be turn off. Depending on the type of business your in this might be helpful or not. For instance, since I am involve with online marketing. It’s preferable that I find other individuals that have an URL in their profile because that means I might be able to help them grow their business and so on.

      There is no limit with how many followers/following you can have. The threshold is 2000. For example, if you are following 102,000 people and have 100,000 followers you will need to wait until you have reach 102,000 followers to be able to follow more individuals. I hope this explains your question.

      Your very welcome. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  6. Paul says:

    Hey Nancy,

    Great post about increasing Twitter followers, I’ll be looking into the “twitter adder ” to see what it’s all about

    Paul Beamon

  7. LD Klippert says:

    Nancy thanks for sharing this I will have to check out Fiverr

  8. LD Klippert says:

    Nancy noticed that tweet adder is know longer available, is there another service that you use or would recommend?

  9. Jer says:

    Hi Nancy,
    Thanks for sharing! Is the sole purpose of buying followers to beat the 2000 follower cap? Is there any other value? I’m wondering if the purchased followers stay following your or click through on your content?

  10. Ali Brahvi says:

    Hi Nancy
    Thanks for the tips, this post will help me increase my twitter audience, i hope i get the followers like you…Thanks again…

  11. James says:

    Wow! The stats you increased over a short period of time are indeed worthy of note. I have to mention though that It is a shame about Tweetadder.

    The Tweetadder website and product apparently will not be returning. If you have updated news, I would love to hear it.

  12. James says:

    Hi Nancy, My last link is broken, please Fix the http link.

  13. Billy says:

    hi Nancy!
    like your blog very much,learned a lot from articles!
    please is not exist anymore
    thank you!

  14. Payel says:

    Hi Nancy , Really nice and straightforward article you shared. Thanks for your tips.

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