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What To Do When Etsy Sales Are Slow

I'm Nancy!

As an Etsy coach, I specialize in helping Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits. With my expertise in Etsy's marketplace, I guide Etsy sellers and develop a marketing strategy to increase their visibility and sales. 

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In today’s blog post, I will be sharing 10 tips for when Etsy sales are slow. So, if you’ve noticed a dip in sales after the Christmas rush or simply want to learn new strategies on how to increase your Etsy sales make sure to read all the way till the end.


I do want to say is normal to have slower months but is your job as an Etsy seller to understand if your products are seasonal or evergreen. And use the months that are a bit slower to focus on other aspects of your handmade business.

1. Send out an email campaign

I hope by now you have started an email list especially if it’s not your first time on my channel – you know that I recommend it all the time. During the slow months, an email list comes in handy to boost sales. Email remains one of the best ways to reach out to your clients and the quickest way to make some extra cash.

2. Add new listings

Etsy love’s when sellers add new products to their shops. To keep search results fresh for frequent shoppers, Etsy’s search algorithm review how recently an item was listed or relisted. And those listings will get a temporary boost in the search results which can drive a couple of extra sales to your shop.

3. Fix your Etsy SEO

Use Etsy SEO to increase the visibility of your products. When sales are slow this is the perfect time to go through all of your listings and do any necessary updates. Make sure you have drool-worthy photos, that you have optimized your title and tags for Etsy SEO, that you have added your tags in the product description so that your listings can rank higher in the search feed, that you have a well-written listing description with everything the prospective buyer needs to know about this particular product.


4. Run a promotion

The quickest way to get sales sometimes is by simply running a promotion. You can do an email blast, promote your sale on social media, and anywhere you promote your Etsy business.

5. Work on something you have been putting off

This is the perfect time to do the one thing you have been meaning to start or improve but never seem to have time. Did you want to learn how to start an email list? Do you want to start learning how to effectively use Pinterest? Have you been meaning to redo your product photos? Or start a Facebook group? Maybe you wanted to start your own website?

6. Understand your conversion rate

Conversion rates can predict success or failure. If you want to know whether your business is on the right track one of the things you can measure is your conversion rates. If you already achieving 2% or higher you’re doing pretty good. But if you’re not then you’ll need to optimize your Etsy shop and this will help increase your conversion rates.

7. Batch Your Social Media

Rather than rush to create new content the same day or during the week when you are already strapped for time when your Etsy sales are slow this the perfect time to batch content for social media. Simple open up a google doc, brainstorm all of your content ideas for an entire month(s), and then start creating all the content in one go.


8. Create systems for your Etsy business

Building systems for your Etsy business will help you with time, build team unity, increase your Etsy sales, and so much more.  So, any time you have a certain way of doing things, that in itself is a system. It’s just a matter of making your system the most streamlined, efficient, and effective it can be based on your business goals.

9. Find new suppliers

It does take a lot of time and research to find new suppliers. This is the perfect time when slows are low to find a supplier that has a lower price than what you are currently paying for.

10. Sign-up for a course

As an Etsy seller, you must always be learning. Keeping up with best practices, new technology, and trends is essential to help you continue to grow a strong brand. The world is constantly don’t get left behind.

I hope these 10 tips will help you when Etsy sales are slow and remember don’t give up or start thinking your products are not good enough slow months are a normal cycle of selling online.

Let me know if you found this post helpful. And if you haven’t already, make sure you check out our FREE resources!

Rooting for you!

– Nancy 

P.S. Have you attended my free masterclass yet to help you scale your Etsy business to the next level with my 4 step framework for a profitable Etsy shop. If not, CLICK HERE to register before seats fill up.  

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  1. Roger Howard says:

    Thanks for sharing such a nice post. I am facing a same issue on Etsy. This helps me to understand the reason of slow selling of my products on Etsy.

  2. Roger Howard says:

    Thanks for a great post. I was facing a problem with with Etsy Sales. Your article helped me a lot to understand the issue. Thanks again!

  3. Ashu Thakur says:

    Hi Nancy!,

    wow, what a great article. I appreciate the time and energy spent to make this article exist. Keep going, and best of luck for your future endeavours—an avid fan of your blog.


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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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I'm Nancy Badillo

Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.