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At Least Five Blogging Tips For Your Everyday Blogger

I'm Nancy!

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Are you a new blogger and you want to have lots of viewers or something that might catch people attention to your blog then here are at least five blogging tips for your everyday blogger.

If you follow them in each step of the way, then you would have the increasing number of a viewer or even followers on your blog.


Blogging Tips

#1 Use an Interesting and eye catching title

When you are looking for some certain kind of information, the first thing that you are going to do is to search for the suitable keywords on the search engine, and then once there are some options for the different sources, of course, you are going to do some kinds of skimming and scanning.

In this state, of course, the interesting and the eye-catching title would be the one that you are going to click to read the contents of the articles. Therefore, be sure to find the most inviting title for your article.
#2 Write the article with the friendly tone
Articles that are written with the friendly tone mostly are favored by many people because it is understandable and easy to learn about the content. This is what people look when they are reading some kinds of information on some articles they found on the internet.
As we all know, those who are do some reading or browsing for some articles to read is to find some information. So, imagine if you need some certain information but the language or the tone of the articles are not friendly, and you might hardly understand what written inside of course it is useless.

You might as well stop reading the article and find some other articles to read.
#3 Engaged with your guest reader
Another blogging tips for your everyday blogger is to have the interaction with your guest reader. Although not every reader will comment, shares, likes or follow your blog, however, still there are some of them who do that.

So, if they do, then it is better for you to stay in touch with them, get them engaged with the kind of topic you wrote on your blog. One of the kinds of things that you should do is to reply their comment there you can either ask their opinion about something you wrote or something like that.
#4 Write the Interesting Topic
Every day there must be something new; although some of them are interesting some are not. However to have more viewer, it is suggested to find the interesting topic that is like a trending topic that can attract the reader to view your blog, read your articles and give you feedback.

Back to the fact, people read the articles to find some certain question that they have in mind about something that is why it is important to write the kind of interesting topic or more like the updated issue.
#5 Engaged your blog with others
Since there are lots of blogger in the whole worlds, therefore, it is better to build some kinds of relation with those fellow bloggers, whether to share some ideas about blogging or to share some kinds of followers by exchanging link or something like that. This is one of the blogging tips for your everyday blogger.

I hope my blogging tip and advice come in handy! Please subscribe to my page to stay updated with online marketing trends and changes. 

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  1. Corina Ramos says:

    These are awesome tips Nancy. Thank you for sharing them. I think writing in our own voice and in a friendly tone is what sets the stage to building a great relationship with our readers.

    Hope you had a great week. TGIF!


    • Hi Corina,

      Yes, writing in your own voice and making it easy for your readership to understand your topic is important. I use to be really technical when writing my post but every since I started using my own voice it has made it easier for my readership to enjoy my articles.

      Thank you for your kind words!

  2. Rudi says:

    Awesome tips. Thanks a lot for that! I’ve only recently started blogging and using any Social Media for my networking. I’d love to learn more from you, Anything you have to offer I’ll soak up like a sponge!
    I think you’re doing a great thing, keep it up!

  3. Interesting post, Nancy! I love your site, it’s well developed. I also agree that interaction with people who leave comments and engage on your blog is essential. That’s one of the biggest tips that a lot of new bloggers overlook. Thanks again!

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Very informative post. But I think you would have added another point “Blog commenting” to this list. But never mind, I enjoyed reading this.
    thanks for the share.

  5. Hi Nancy, Great post, (of course). Thank you for sharing.

    All of points you showed is very important for almost every blogger who wants to grow their blogs.

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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Pizza obsessed, quote slayer, loving mom, and chronic achiever with a deep passion for all things Etsy.