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How To Sell On Etsy SEO 2021

I'm Nancy!

As an Etsy coach, I specialize in helping Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits. With my expertise in Etsy's marketplace, I guide Etsy sellers and develop a marketing strategy to increase their visibility and sales. 

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In today’s blog post, I will be going over how to sell on Etsy SEO 2021. I will be sharing the top Etsy SEO tips and hacks to help you rank your listings higher in the search feed, gain more visibility for your products, and increase your sales. So, make sure to watch this video till the end since it’s going to be valued packed with tons of tips that will help you with Etsy SEO. 


Offering something unique and irresistible is the first step in drawing in shoppers. Making sure your Etsy photos are cropped in a complementary way and that you have amazing images is a must. 

However, many contributing factors affect your search placement in the feed. So, understanding how Etsy’s algorithm works are vital since it determines where your listings will rank. 

However, many contributing factors affect your search placement in the feed. So, understanding how Etsy’s algorithm works are vital since it determines where your listings will rank. 

You want to make sure your shop and listings are optimized for SEO so prospective buyers can find your products. 

But you also want your buyers to have a fantastic experience when they shop and buy from you. 

Tip#1 Don’t try to fix it if it’s not broken.

If you have a listing that drives you a lot of traffic to your shop, that’s an indicator the Etsy SEO is working. If you want to test out different tags, it is better to duplicate the listing, add the new tags, and then do A/B testing. You always want to make data-driven decisions. Always check your Etsy stats and see which listings are not driving your traffic and fix those listings. You don’t want to make the mistake of changing all of your tags and ending up with your traffic gone and dead. 

Tip #2 Tag and title relevancy matter

Exact phrase matches are stronger than matches on individual words. Tags or phrases that appear in both the title and tag of listings are considered more relevant than a listing with that word or phrase in the tags or title alone.

This doesn’t mean you should keyword stuff your title since Etsy does frown upon it. Just make sure it’s optimized for Etsy SEO, but its user friendly for the prospective buyer to read and understand what exactly you’re selling. 

Tip #3 Do Not Repeat Attributes And Categories In Your Title and Tags. 

This is a common mistake many Etsy sellers make is forgetting that the attributes and categories act like tags. They are missing on potential more traffic.

Etsy’s words: 

“Search uses your titles, tags, categories, and attributes when trying to match you to buyers, so when a buyer enters a query, we’re looking for all the keywords that you’ve added across those four dimensions. Adding the exact same phrases that appear in your categories and attributes is actually a missed opportunity to maybe add an additional tag that’s unique to the item you’re selling.”

Tip #4 Use Long-Tail Keywords

Focus on using long-tail keywords. They have less competition, better-targeted traffic, higher conversion rates, and great for highly competitive niches. 

If the tag is longer than 20 characters, break then down into two tags. 

For example: if someone is searching for shoes, they are probably just shopping around and not looking for something specific. However, if someone is searching for red women running shoes, they are looking to buy them. They are looking for something specific, and if you sell this product, you have a higher chance of getting a sale. 


Tip #5 Recency is important

Etsy’s algorithm reviews how recently an item was listed or relisted. If you have to fix the SEO of an old listing, duplicate the listing, fix SEO, and publish a new listing. This will give you a small boost in the search feed since it’s considered a new listing. And you will have a better chance of getting a higher listing score. (The boost can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.)

Tip #6 Stop Repeating Keywords In Tags 

The 13 tags you add should all be unique as possible. For example, having tags such as “bird art print” and “animal wall decor” will get that listing in front of more potential buyers than “bird print” and “bird art.” Make sure to use diverse tags to amplify your reach and so you are not reductant at repeating the same tags repeatedly. 

Tip #7 Include Your Focus Tag In Your Title

The listing title is crucial to Etsy SEO, and it helps find your products in the Etsy search results and Google. The most important tag should be placed at the beginning of your title since it holds the most weight for SEO.

Lead with the keywords that best describe your item since that’s what shoppers see first when browsing, especially mobile devices.

Tip #8 Focus On Your Meta Description

The first 150-160 characters of your listing description will be used for your meta description. You need to make sure to include the same tag that you used in your title. This will be the snippet shown to people when they search for your products on Google. 

Make sure to include an enticing description of your product, have the focus tag, and add a call to action. 

The call to action will increase your click-through rate and drive more traffic from Google to your shop. 

Tip #9 Optimize Your Listing Description With Tags

This is the biggest mistake I see many Etsy sellers make is not add the tags in their actual listing description. They focus on the meta description and forget all about the rest of the description. 

Search engines look at a page’s full content. Make sure to craft a well-written listing description using your tags and provide everything and anything the customer needs to know about your product. 

Make sure to include your tags as naturally as possible throughout your listing description because Google does not like keyword stuffing.

Tip #10 Make sure to optimize your shop sections

Another best proactive to boost your shop’s SEO is by naming your shop sections. Every section has its landing page with a page title that is pulled from the section name. 

Therefore, you need to describe the products in each specific section briefly. Make sure to name your sections with keywords you want to rank for. It will help shoppers navigate your shop and also get your products found on Google.

Tip #11 In-bound Links 

I highly recommend having a website along with your Etsy shop. Etsy recommends getting inbound links to your Etsy shop so you can gain higher placement in search results. The more people write about your shop and listings online, the more you know that people are interested in your products and help your ranking. 

You can also become a guest blogger on other people’s sites to link back to your shop.


Remember your Etsy photos’ main job is to make people stop scrolling on the feed and take notice of your product, Etsy SEO is how they found your listing in the first place, and the listing description is what helps with credibility and close out the sale. Everything works hand in hand! If you enjoyed this video, please give me feedback below! If you have any additional questions about what I talked about, please let me know in the comments below. Thanks for watching!

Let me know if you found this post helpful. And if you haven’t already, make sure you check out our FREE resources!

Rooting for you!

– Nancy 

P.S. Have you attended my free masterclass yet to help you scale your Etsy business to the next level with my 4 step framework for a profitable Etsy shop. If not, CLICK HERE to register before seats fill up.  

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  1. Lindsey says:

    Hi! I love this post and found it super useful. I do wish there were examples for each of your points! I get what you’re saying on some of them but don’t see how you’d implement that rule into action. Please add examples so we can follow along 🙂

  2. Joshua Shank says:

    Thanks for the information. Its also important to realize the average ecommerce conversion rate is between 1 to 3% so don’t get discouraged.

    Selling online isn’t supposed to be easy, but it can be very rewarding. Just keep on pushing forward!

  3. Brian Green says:

    Hi Nancy,

    Thanks for sharing this useful information about Etsy SEO.

    Keep Posting!

  4. Herman Klein says:


    I have a woodworking shop and would like to sell some furniture at Etsy. But I have no idea where to start.

    Can you help me with that ?

    • Hi Herman, You’ve come to the right place. I have tons of free and paid content to help. If you need more a blueprint to walk you through the entire process, please join the Etsy Mastery Course.

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Hi, I'm Nancy.
Your BFF + New Etsy Coach.

I help Etsy sellers turn their passion into profits is a rewarding and fulfilling endeavor. Many sellers have great ideas and the drive to succeed, but they lack the knowledge and experience needed to start, manage, and scale their Etsy businesses effectively. As a business coach, I help Etsy sellers by teaching them the exact steps needed to turn their passion into a full-time income.

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